The Best Sans Serif Fonts for Branding Identity - Part One

While it’s no secret that my heart belongs to serif fonts, I can’t deny that there are still some truly amazing sans serif fonts. If you aren’t familiar with the technical terms for fonts, here is a brief description to help you familiarize yourself.

Serif fonts have structural details (sometimes called flourishes) at the end of each letter. Sans serif fonts (literally meaning without) do not have these. Serif fonts are considered more traditional, whereas sans serif fonts are typically more modern.

Now that you are a pro in identifying typefaces, let me introduce you to a few of my favorite sans serif fonts. I love the challenge of finding and mixing types so that that both provide a balance in both style and message. You can probably start to look at these fonts and get an idea of what feelings are evoked. This plays a key role in our perceptions of brands so it’s really important that your style and message are nailed through your type.

Oh, and if you are looking for my top serif fonts, check out this post!


pro tip

I always recommend a test drive of the font before purchasing if available. Type out words or the alphabet so that you can see all letterforms. I won’t lie, there have been times that I have liked a font until I saw how one letter was formed and it was ruined for me. The tiny details can really make a big impact when you are talking about font selection.

Best Sans Serif Fonts for Branding by Three Hellos
Lauren Constantine

I'm a graphic designer specializing in a carefully curated and thoughtful branding experience for creatives and small businesses that want to take their business to the top.

Color Palette Series - Palette 03


Color Palette Series - Palette 02